Founded in 1996, Arneil Johnston is the longest standing and most successful specialist housing consultancy in Scotland. We are a reputable, talented and diverse team with extensive experience of all aspects of social housing planning and delivery.
Our company was established with the aim of providing quality consultancy services in housing, finance and change management to the public sector in Scotland. Our Scottish focus enables us to remain responsive to a changing policy and regulatory environment.
We deliver services that are both business focused and socially ethical and we aim to add value to the social landlords we work for and the communities they serve. Over the last 3 decades, we have successfully delivered over 1,700 projects and have unparalleled experience working with Scottish social landlords.
We are professional, approachable and good at engaging others. We are highly committed to skills transfer, building the capacity of our team and are proud to have Platinum ‘Investors in People’ accreditation.
Our vision is simple: "we enable the Scottish Housing Sector to embrace change and improve."
We have a reputation for innovation, integrity and providing solutions that deliver the best value.
We offer support that is business focused, socially ethical and we aim to add value and skill to our client space. We specialise in:

Strategic planning and Local Housing Strategy Development.

Land use planning and Housing & Demand Assessment.

Housing market research and housing affordability studies.

Homelessness and RRTP delivery planning.

30-year business planning, strategy and financial management.

Integrated asset management.

Rent and service charge review.

Housing improvement, process and service review.

Housing transformation and organisational review.
We are accountable for always doing the right thing.
We push the boundaries to continually add value.
We take the complex and make it simple.
We are customer focused and always go the extra mile.
We pride ourselves on being a team of ‘practitioner professionals’ with extensive hands on
experience and strategic vision. We are proud of our frontline housing experience and
understand the political, social, financial and economic challenges that Scottish housing professionals currently face.
Over the last 28 years, we have worked with every local authority in Scotland as well as 50% of the RSL sector. Our clients include: